Saturday, February 27, 2021

Magh Purnima 2021: आज है माघ पूर्णिमा*भगवान श्री हर‍ि विष्‍णु गंगाजल में वास करते हैं।

Magh Purnima 2021: आज है माघ पूर्णिमा*भगवान श्री हर‍ि विष्‍णु गंगाजल में वास करते हैं।

 It is believed that, on the eve of Magha Purnima, performing a bath in the holy river is considered as highly auspicious. By doing charities and making donations on this day, one gets relieved from all his present and past sins. 

Deity Vishnu and Lord Hanuman are worshipped on the day of Magha Purnima. 
It is believed that all the desires of the devotees who offer prayers to these deities on this day are fulfilled.

हिंदू कैलेंडर के माघ महीने की पूर्णिमा तिथि बेहद खास होती है। इस तिथि को माघ या माघी पूर्णिमा के नाम से जाना जाता है। मान्‍यता है कि इस दिन भगवान श्री हर‍ि विष्‍णु गंगाजल में वास करते हैं। इसलिए इस दिन गंगा स्‍नान का विशेष महत्‍व है।
पौराणिक मान्‍यताओं के अनुसार माघ पूर्णिमा के दिन भगवान विष्‍णु पृथ्‍वी पर आकर गंगा के निर्मल जल से स्‍नान करते हैं। यही नहीं अन्‍य सभी देवता भी अपना रूप बदलकर गंगा में स्‍नान करते हैं। कहा जाता है कि सभी देवता प्रयागराज के तट पर गंगा में डुबकी लगाते हैं। यही वजह है कि माघ पूर्णिमा के दिन का महत्‍व और भी बढ़ जाता है।

प्रयागराज के तट पर जो भी साधक एक महीने तक कल्‍पवास करते हैं। उसका समापन भी माघ पूर्णिमा के दिन ही होता है। कल्‍पवास करने वाले साधक इस दिन गंगा मां की पूजा करते हैं। इसके बाद संतों और ब्राह्मणों को दान-पुण्‍य करते हैं। मान्‍यता है कि इस दिन जो भी व्‍यक्ति गंगा में स्‍नान करता है, उसके सभी कष्‍ट दूर हो जाते हैं। साथ ही बीमारियों का भी नाश होता है।
माघ पूर्णिमा पर गंगा स्नान और पूजा पाठ करने से बैकुंठ धाम की प्राप्ति होती है। ऐसी धार्मिक आस्था है। पद्मपुराण में कहा गया है कि श्रीहरि को जब भी मन से याद करो, वह अपने भक्तों पर जरूर कृपा करते हैं। लेकिन माघ के महीने में जप, तप, ध्यान और दान से भगवान विष्णु अतिशीघ्र प्रसन्न होते हैं। माघ मास में तिल, गुड़ और कंबल का दान विशेषरूप से फलदायी माना गया है।
माघ पूर्णिमा के दिन दान-पुण्‍य का भी विशेष महत्‍व माना गया है। धार्मिक ग्रंथों के मुताबिक इस दिन गौदान करना अत्‍यंत महत्‍वपूर्ण होता है। इसके अलावा अगर कोई सोने-चांदी का दान करे तो यह भी शुभ होता है। इसके अलावा निराश्रितों को जरूरी वस्‍तुओं का दान करने से भगवान विष्‍णु अत्‍यंत प्रसन्‍न होते हैं।
साथ ही चंद्रदेव की भी पूजा की जाती है। इस दिन पवित्र नदी पर स्नान किया जाता है और उसके बाद अपनी सामर्थ्यनुसार दान करने की परंपरा है.
वहीं, अगर आज के दिन पितरों का तर्पण किया जाए तो व्यक्ति की धन-संपदा और बौद्धिक क्षमता में भी वृद्धि होती है।
Magha Purnima
February 2020
Sunday / रविवार
Magha Purnima
February 2022
Wednesday / बुधवार
Magha Purnima
February 2021
Saturday / शनिवार

श्रीविष्णु स्तुति मन्त्र

शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम्

Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashivarnnam Caturbhujam


Shuklambaradharam Vishnum

(1) Suklaam bara Dharam Vishnum,

Sashi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,

Prasanna Vadhanam Dhyaayet,

Sarva Vighna Upa shaanthaye,

Santa Kaaram Bhujaga Shayanam,

Padma nabham Suresham,

Vishva dharam Gagana Sadrsham,

Megha Varnam Subhangam,

Lakshmi Kantam Kamala Nayanam,

Yogibhir Dhyana Gamyam.

Vande Vishnum Bhava Bhaya Haram,

Sarva Lokaiaka Natham



 Oushade Chinthaye Vishnum,

Bhojane cha Janardhanam,

Shayane Padmanabham cha,

Vivahe cha Prajapathim,

Yuddhe Chakradharam devam,

Pravase cha Tri vikramam,

Narayanam Thanu thyage,

Sreedharam priya sangame,

Duswapne smara Govindam,

Sankate Madhu soodhanam,

Kaanane Naarasihmam cha, 

paavake Jalashayinam,

Jalamadhye Varaham cha,

Parvathe Raghu nandanam,

Gamane Vaamanam Chaiva ,

Sarva Karyeshu Madhavam.


Shodasaithani Naamani,

Prathar uthaaya ya padeth,

Sarva papa vinirmuktho,

Vishnu Lokai mahiyati


(5) I adore Lord Vishnu who is the embodiment of peace, who lies on the Shesha serpent, whose navel is the source of the Lotus of the Universe, whose complexion is swarthy like the clouds, whose body shines with heavenly beauty, who is the beloved of Goddess Lakshmi, whose eyes are like Lotus, who is meditated upon by the yogis, who is the remover of the fear of the world-process, the cycle of birth and death.

Think him as Vishnu while taking medicine,

As Janardhana while eating food,

As Padmanabha while in bed,

As Prajapathi at time of marriage,

As Chakra dhara while engaged in war,

As Trivikrama while on travel,

As Narayana on death bed,

As Sreedhara while meeting with the beloved,

As Govinda while tossing with bad dreams,

As Madhu Sudhana while in trouble,

As Narasimha while in the forest,

As Jala Sayina while fire is ravaging,

As Varaha while struggling in water,

As Raghu nandana while lost in a mountain,

As Vamana while on the move,

And as Madhava while doing everything.

 शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।

प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥


Shukla-Ambara-Dharam Vissnnum Shashi-Varnnam Catur-Bhujam |

Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighnou pashaantaye ||



(We Meditate on Sri Vishnu) Who is Wearing White Clothes, Who is All-Pervading, Who is Bright in Appearance like the Moon and Who is Having Four Hands,Who is Having a Compassionate and Gracious face, Let us Meditate on Him To Ward of all Obstacles.


शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं

विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्ण शुभाङ्गम् ।

लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यम्

वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम् ॥


Shaanta-Aakaaram Bhujaga-Shayanam Padma-Naabham Sura-Iisham

Vishva-Aadhaaram Gagana-Sadrsham Megha-Varnna Shubha-Anggam|

Lakssmii-Kaantam Kamala-Nayanam Yogibhir-Dhyaana-Gamyam

Vande Vissnnum Bhava-Bhaya-Haram Sarva-Loka-Eka-Naatham ||



(Salutations to Sri Vishnu) Who has a Serene Appearance, Who Rests on a Serpent (Adisesha), Who has Lotus on His Navel and Who is the Lord of the Devas, Who Sustains the Universe, Who is Boundless and Infinite like the Sky, Whose Colour is like the Cloud (Bluish) and Who has a Beautiful and Auspicious Body,


Who is the Husband of Devi Lakshmi, Whose Eyes are like Lotus and Who is Attainable to the Yogis by Meditation, Salutations to That Vishnu Who Removes the Fear of Worldly Existence and Who is the Lord of All the Lokas.


औषधे चिंतये विष्णुम ,भोजने च जनार्धनम |

शयने पद्मनाभं च, विवाहे च प्रजापतिम||

युद्धे चक्रधरम देवं, प्रवासे च त्रिविक्रमं|

नारायणं तनु त्यागे, श्रीधरं प्रिय संगमे||

दुःस्वप्ने स्मर गोविन्दम,संकटे मधुसूधनम|

कानने नारासिम्हम च,पावके जलाशयिनाम||

जलमध्ये वराहम च, पर्वते रघु नन्दनं|

गमने वामनं चैव , सर्व कार्येशु माधवं||


Oushade Chinthaye Vishnum,Bhojane cha Janardhanam,

Sayane Padmanabham cha,Vivahe cha Prajapathim ||

Yuddhe Chakradharam devam,Pravase cha Trivikramam,

Narayanam Thanu thyage,Sreedharam  priya sangame ||

Duswapne smara , Govindam,Sankate Madhu sudhanam,

Kanane Narasimham cha,Pavake Jalasayinam ||

Jalamadhye Varaham cha,Parvathe Raghu nandanam,

Gamane Vamanam Chaiva ,Sarva Karyeshu Madhavam||



Think him as Vishnu while taking medicine,

As Janardhana while eating food,

As Padmanabha while in bed,

As Prajapathi at time of marriage,

As Chakra dhara while engaged in war,

As Trivikrama while on travel,

As Narayana on death bed,

As Sreedhara while meeting with the beloved,

As Govinda while tossing with bad dreams,

As Madhu Sudhana while in trouble,

As Narasimha while in the forest,

As Jala Sayina while fire is ravaging,

As Varaha while struggling in water,

As Raghu nandana while lost in a mountain,

As Vamana while on the move,

And as Madhava while doing everything.


षोडशैतानी नमानी प्रातरुत्थाय यह पठेत

सर्वपापा विर्निमुक्तो विष्णुलोके महीयते ||


Shodasaithani Naamani,Prathar uthaaya ya padeth,

Sarva papa vinirmuktho,Vishnu loke mahiyate.



As soon as one wakes up in the morning,If these sixteen names are read,

He would be bereft of all sins, And reach the world of Vishnu at the end.

शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं

विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम्।

लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यं

वन्दे विष्णु भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम्।।


अर्थ : जिनकी आकृति अतिशय शांत है, जो शेषनाग की शैया पर शयन किए हुए हैं, जिनकी नाभि में कमल है, जो ‍देवताओं के भी ईश्वर और संपूर्ण जगत के आधार हैं, जो आकाश के सदृश सर्वत्र व्याप्त हैं, नीलमेघ के समान जिनका वर्ण है, अतिशय सुंदर जिनके संपूर्ण अंग हैं, जो योगियों द्वारा ध्यान करके प्राप्त किए जाते हैं, जो संपूर्ण लोकों के स्वामी हैं, जो जन्म-मरण रूप भय का नाश करने वाले हैं, ऐसे लक्ष्मीपति, कमलनेत्र भगवान श्रीविष्णु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूँ।

यं ब्रह्मा वरुणेन्द्ररुद्रमरुत: स्तुन्वन्ति दिव्यै: स्तवै-

र्वेदै: साङ्गपदक्रमोपनिषदैर्गायन्ति यं सामगा:।

ध्यानावस्थिततद्गतेन मनसा पश्यन्ति यं योगिनो-

यस्तानं न विदु: सुरासुरगणा देवाय तस्मै नम:।।


अर्थ : ब्रह्मा, वरुण, इन्द्र, रुद्र और मरुद्‍गण दिव्य स्तोत्रों द्वारा जिनकी स्तुति करते हैं, सामवेद के गाने वाले अंग, पद, क्रम और उपनिषदों के सहित वेदों द्वारा जिनका गान करते हैं, योगीजन ध्यान में स्थित तद्‍गत हुए मन से जिनका दर्शन करते हैं, देवता और असुर गण (कोई भी) जिनके अन्त को नहीं जानते, उन (परमपुरुष नारायण) देव के लिए मेरा नमस्कार है।


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Kirtan * The Power of Bhakti Yoga * Magha Purnima

 Kirtan *The Power of Bhakti Yoga.

Musical recitation of hymns, mantras and the praise of deities has ancient roots in Hinduism, as evidenced by the Samaveda and other Vedic literature.

Kirtan is one of the fundamental practices of Bhakti Yoga—the yoga of grace, love and devotion.

Bhakti Yoga offers an entirely different approach. In Bhakti, it is understood that no amount of skill, effort or achievement is, ultimately, sufficient to earn the favor of the Divine. We cannot compel God’s grace by our efforts, no matter how impressive our human accomplishments. In the end, Grace flows outside the realm of effort and austerity. Divine grace is, by definition, not something we can earn or deserve through our own work. It comes at a time and place, and in a manner, that is not ours to command through our sweat and effort, or through the number of hours we have spent in meditation.


According to the devotional tradition of Bhakti, God is most pleased by our humility, by our devotion.


Humility and devotion spring from the heart. They are not developed as a result of skills acquisition, hours of meditation, or the ability to stand on our head for an hour. Grace and awareness don’t come because we repeat a mantra a million times: all we need to do is sing it!


The simple idea behind kirtan was to sing praise to the divine in its many forms.

The word kirtan, or kirtana, means ‘telling, narrating, enumerating or describing’ and originates from the Vedic period, where it was first written as anukirtana or anukriti, meaning a ‘re-telling’. These anukirtanas would re-tell the ancient vedic hymns and passages. As was the way with the ancient world, everything was transmitted orally via spoken Sanskrit until the Vedas (knowledge) were written down by sages and scholars. The root word kirt, can be found in these ancient Vedic texts and is also known to go by the name sankirtana, meaning ‘collective performance’. Kirtan is an important aspect of yoga and one which holds so much potential for awakening and transformation.


The ‘language of the divine’

The ancient Sanskrit language is both mathematical and vibrational, meaning each letter, syllable and word has a specific meaning and effect when it is sounded out loud. Often noted as a religious and ceremonial language, Sanskrit is also revered as the ‘language of the divine’. Considered the ‘perfect language’, the correct pronunciation of each word is said to create a vibration throughout the universe that makes contact with the subconscious mind and the world around us.

Kirtans were popularized by the Bhakti movement of medieval era Hinduism, starting with the South Indian Alvars (Vaishnavism) and Nayanars (Shaivism) around the 6th century, which spread in central, northern, western and eastern India particularly after the 12th century, as a social and congregational response to Hindu-Muslim conflicts.

The foundations of the kirtan traditions are also found in other Hindu scriptures such as the Bhagavad-gita where Krishna describes bhakti marga (path of loving devotion to god) as a means to moksha, alongside karma marga (path of action) and jnana marga (path of knowledge). References to kirtan as a musical recitation are also found in the Bhagavata Purana, an important Vaishnava text.

Kirtan is often practiced as a kind of theatrical folk song with call-and-response chanting or antiphon. The ancient sage Narada revered as a musical genius, is called a kirtankar in the Padma Purana.

 The famous story of Prahlada in the Avatara Katha mentions kirtan as one of nine forms of worship, called the nava vidha bhakti along with shravanam (listening), smaranam (remembrance), pada sevanam (service), archanam (offering), vandanam (obeisance), dasyam (servitude), sakhyam (friendship) and atmanivedanam (surrender). The so-called Naradiya Kirtan divides kirtan into five parts: naman (prayers), purvaranga (spiritual lesson based on old epics), chanting, katha or akhyan (exegesis), and a final prayer for universal welfare.

Kirtan (Sanskrit: कीर्तन) has Vedic roots and it is "telling, narrating, describing, enumerating, reporting".The term is found as Anukirtan (or Anukrti, Anukarana, literally a "re-telling") in the context of Yajna, wherein team recitations of dialogue-style and question-answer riddle hymns were part of the ritual or celebratory dramatic performance. The Sanskrit verses in chapter 13.2 of Shatapatha Brahmana (~800–700 BCE), for example, are written in the form of a riddle play between two actors.

The Vedic sacrifice (yajna) is presented as a kind of drama, with its actors, its dialogues, its portion to be set to music, its interludes, and its climaxes.

The root of kirtan is kirt (Sanskrit: कीर्त्). The root is found in the Samhitas, the Brahmanas and other Vedic literature, as well as the Vedanga and Sutras literature.

Kirt, according to Monier-Williams contextually means, "to mention, make mention of, tell, name, call, recite, repeat, relate, declare, communicate, commemorate, celebrate, praise, glorify".

A Kirtan and a Bhajan are closely related, with both sharing common aims, subjects, musical themes and being devotional performance arts. A Bhajan is more free form, can be singular melody that is performed by a single singer with or without one and more musical instruments. Kirtan, in contrast, differs in being a more structured team performance, typically with a call and response musical structure, similar to an intimate conversation or gentle sharing of ideas, and it includes two or more musical instruments, with roots in the prosody principles of the Vedic era.

Many Kirtan are structured for more audience participation, where the singer calls a spiritual chant, a hymn or a devotional theme such as from Vaishnavism, the audience then responds back by repeating the chant or by chanting back a reply of their shared beliefs.

Kirtan, sometimes referred to as sankirtana (literally, "collective performance"), is a call-and-response chanting or musical conversation, a genre of religious performance arts that developed during India's bhakti devotional traditions.

Kirtan is locally known as Abhang, Samaj Gayan, Haveli Sangeet, Vishnupad, Harikatha. The Vaishnava temples and monasteries of Hinduism in Assam and northeastern, called Satra, have a large worship hall named kirtan ghar – a name derived from their being used for congregational singing and performance arts.

The energy created by the different voices, bodies and minds all chanting and directing their energy towards the same thing is enough to make anyone understand why this is true medicine for the soul.

The feeling of chanting with others in a kirtan is certainly like no other sensation. The energy created by the different voices, bodies and minds in the room all chanting and directing their energy towards the same thing is enough to really make anyone understand why this is true medicine for the soul. Mantra and kirtan are such a wonderful part of the whole of yoga, and gathering together with others to chant brings a whole new dimension to a practice that has so much potential beyond the yoga mat.


Cymbals / Manjira






माघ पूर्णिमा


फरवरी 2021

Saturday / शनिवार

2021 माघ पूर्णिमा

Maghi Purnina, also known by the name of Magha Purnima, is known to be a day of the full moon that occurs during the Hindu calendar month of Magh. This day falls during the Gregorian calendar month of January or February. During this time period, the auspicious Kumbh Mela is held every twelve years, and the Magha Mela is held on an annual basis at the confluence of three rivers or Triveni Sangam all around north India, such as in cities like Allahabad or Prayag.

Magha Purnima is an important day in Hindu calendar. Religious texts describe the glory of holy bath and austerity observed during Magha month. It is believed that every single day in month of Magha is special for doing charity work. Magha Purnima, which is popularly known as Maghi Purnima, is the last and most important day of Magha Mahina. People perform certain rituals like holy bath, offering alms, donating cow and Homa at Prayag, the confluence point of the river Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, on Maghi Purnima.

During Magha people take early morning bath in the Ganga or in the Yamuna throughout the month. The daily bathing which starts from Paush Purnima ends on Magha Purnima. It is believed that all charity work done during this time are fructified easily. Hence people offer charity to needy according to their capacity. It is also the last day of Kalpawas, the one month austerity camp put up on the bank of the river Ganga at Prayag.

2021 date         16 February (Tuesday)

Magh Purnima 2021: आज है माघ पूर्णिमा*भगवान श्री हर‍ि विष्‍णु गंगाजल में वास करते हैं।

Magh Purnima 2021: आज है माघ पूर्णिमा*भगवान श्री हर‍ि विष्‍णु गंगाजल में वास करते हैं।   It is believed that, on the eve of Magha Purnima, p...